I have a nerdy dream to make my home automation look like Star Trek (LCARS) interface, I stated to look into how to go from this:
to this:

There is a really good site (well several, but this stand out) where they have collected sound and images, but also shared their own home made user interfaces LCARSCOM, really fun for someone who loves Star Trek 🙂
I am currently working on building a new UI for OpenHAB that can be deployed on old tablets that I would set up around the apartment, the UI will also run on any computer. I decided to start small, because I got lost in all the different sound and themes for LCARS so I emulated a friends application, I LOVE LAMP, which is a Windows Phone application for Tellstick NET.
This is my first attempt, it runs on all plattforms, even Iphone and Android. The application connects to OpenHab and receives status updates and if you add/remove devices.
It worked great, the test however highlighted a problem – How to do layout? The sitemap which comes with OpenHab doesn’t provide everything I need for my project. The next step is how to build my own UI layout manager and deploy it in OpenHAB server.